Tuesday, December 8, 2009


"As I walk past your window, you hear my presence dawn..."

At this point I had a small idea on the process of recording and writing music, I decided to take another leap and not only write one more song but a whole batch of songs. Both 'Breakout' and 'Measure for Measure' were part of a cassette titled, Caught In a Web. I put this together as a concept recording, albeit a very amateurish concept. It was also a time to improve my chops on the keyboard.

You'll notice I really didn't have a lot to work with back then, the drum beat is very "toy" sounding and if you're listening closely you will notice a popping sound around the middle part of the song. This is me turning on my microphone so that I can record the 2nd track of keyboard parts.

Here is the 2nd song written and recorded by me, D.H. Chandler - Breakout.


  1. Sounds cool. Very Pink Floyd - Set The Controls for the Heart of the Sun sounding.

  2. I was a very big fan of Floyd if my memory serves me correctly!
