Sunday, December 13, 2009

BLOGLINE ENDEAVOR... Forever We Will Live the Night

"The ending of the human race, the tear drop lines that streak our face..."

The year was 1989. New year, new attitude, new anticipations, and new songs.

High School was coming to an end for me and I was ready to graduate. With my brother singing and playing in various local bands, there were times when he was using his bedroom to store various sound equipment that he was either borrowing or using for practice. Being the curious type, I would take the opportunity to check out some of the gear he had in his room.

At one point, he had brought home a fairly large cabinet that looked like an old radio mixer. The volume knobs for each channel were large dials and there was a switch for reverb and dry signal. If my memory serves me correctly, this was a Zenith cabinet. I decided I wanted to give this cabinet a try and plugged it into my stereo. After adjusting some of the levels, I found I was capable of getting a fairly good mix of reverb on my voice and it didn't sound too bad on tape.

I had been playing around with a guitar riff that I ended up recording onto tape and looping one passage over and over again. After writing some lyrics about someone sending a letter to a distant friend and surviving nuclear war, I tracked everything with an added keyboard passage between each verse.

I must also add that the original title for this song was 'State of Trance' and the lyrics about nuclear war was not the original context of this song. I did do a recording of this song as 'State of Trance' but the original tape has since been lost. Probably gone for good.

The result...

'Forever We Will Live the Night' by D.H. Chandler

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