Mount Rock Jam - Home Sweet Home

Flashback: Summer, 1990
To start off the New Year, I thought it would be fitting to unearth a rare gem from the SUB ONE archive.
This recording was a jam session with the Mount Rock Band during the summer of 1990 and was recorded in the basement of Roxbury Road. Off the top of my head, I believe those who were involved included Steve Smith, Steve Ott, Mark Reasner, my brother (playing guitar, vocals and also found it necessary to ride the pause button while this recording was being made), and I was floating around between keyboards, some backing vocals and drums. It was very impromptu!
Songs played during this jam included covers from Guns 'N' Roses, The Beastie Boys, Black Sabbath, and the classic power ballad from Motley Crue - 'Home Sweet Home' which is what I am including here.
Please bear with some of the audio quality. There is a drop out in the tape that occurs halfway through the jam. This cassette has survived 20 years in the archive.
This is my personal tribute to Steve Smith who passed away on December 13, 2008, a little over a year ago!
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